Hebe’s Bio

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Goddess of Youth, here.  I am called by many names. I like Hebe.  The Greeks called me that. I appreciate their sophistication.  Others? Well, in Rome, I was Juventas.  North of there, I was written as “Peter Pan”.  Haha.  They saw me as a boy. That was fun! But, I like the older name though. Hebe.

 So, I’m young, but I guess not young enough. I was just married off… You see, I had an altar at the Olympic Games one year.  Heracles had just won – big! So, Apollo and Hermes brought him in to celebrate. I was tending to worshippers when one of them stepped on my robes! I was walking full speed. My top came off! I was mortified.

Needless to say, the other gods were aghast! Youth, they saw had grown up. I was immediately married off to Heracles.

(teeheehee, I didn’t mind that. Mom always hated him!)

His excursions are not cheap, so I decided if I had to grow up, I’d just take care of us both. 

And so, my shop was born. Hera’s regulations were prohibitive. Prolly just me -Mom was so mad about Heracles. Nevertheless, the shop closed. 

Sooo, I took the Court Jester’s advice, and wrote my tell-all book found at TreasuresByHebe.com.

They do say Youth is impetuous.